Get visibility into your agreements within the individual agreement view in LinkSquares Finalize.
Users can access the individual agreement view by selecting an agreement from the main Agreements page. Within this one page, contains all of the data and communications for this one agreement, streamlining the process on one page.
1. Salesforce Agreements in Finalize
The blue Salesforce bubble indicates the agreement was drafted and ingested from the LinkSquares Finalize integration in Salesforce.
To learn more about drafting in Salesforce Finalize, reference our article on Salesforce Finalize: Drafting and Executing Agreements.
2. Agreement Flags
User-specific agreement flags indicate that agreements have been updated or created since the user last logged in.
The agreement flags will disappear after selecting the agreement and navigating away from the individual agreement view, or by interacting with the agreement.
To learn more about agreement flags, reference our article on Agreement Flags.
3. Pen Assignee
The Pen indicates ownership of the currently required action.
Manually assign, reassign, and unassign the Pen to Finalize users. Alternatively, indicate that the counterparty owns the next steps.
The time indicates how long the Pen assignment has been active.
4. Nudges
Pen Nudges
If an agreement is being held up at any time throughout the lifecycle, send the Pen assignee(s) a reminder by nudging them.
Clicking Send nudge will prompt an email reminder with a direct agreement link. If logged in, the task will be pulled up for review upon selection.
The nudge feature can only be leveraged once per Pen assignment.
LinkSquares recommends leveraging the chat feature within the Activity tab to nudge users once the nudge feature has been exhausted.
Task Nudges
If an agreement is being held up at any time throughout the lifecycle, send the task assignee(s) a reminder by nudging them. Nudge a task by selecting the task from the Tasks tab.
Clicking Send nudge within an Approval or To-do task will prompt an email reminder with a direct agreement link. If logged in, the task will be pulled up for review upon selection.
The nudge feature can only be leveraged once per a given task.
LinkSquares recommends leveraging the chat feature within the Activity tab and creating ad hoc tasks to nudge users once the nudge feature has been exhausted.
5. Agreement Owner
Agreements can be assigned to an agreement owner.
The purpose of agreement ownership is to assign the point person for the entire lifecycle of an agreement, from draft through signature. This can be assigned on a template level, or an individual agreement level.
To assign an agreement owner within the individual agreement view, Administrators can click the drop-down arrow under Agreement owner and select a Finalize user. Administrators, Approvers, and Reviewers are eligible for agreement ownership. Click SUBMIT once complete.
Alternatively, Approvers and Reviewers can claim agreements that are unowned within agreements in which they are collaborators.
To reassign agreement ownership, Administrators can click the drop-down arrow next to the agreement owner's name. Select another Finalize user before clicking SUBMIT.
To unassign agreement ownership, Administrators can click the drop-down arrow next to the agreement owner's name. Unselect the agreement owner's name before clicking SUBMIT.
Administrators can also assign, reassign, and unassign agreement owners from the main Agreements page.
To learn more about agreement ownership, reference our article on Agreement Ownership.
To learn more about the main Agreements page, reference our article on Finalize Agreements Page.
6. Total Active Days
The Total Active Days counter reflects the total number of days in which the agreement has been active.
7. New Version
Upload new agreement versions by clicking the + NEW VERSION button. All Finalize users can add new agreement versions if they have access to an agreement.
From here, upload a new file and select the new status of the agreement.
- New agreement versions cannot be uploaded when the agreement is in the Request phase for all Finalize users. This is because an agreement has not yet been created from the request.
- New agreement versions cannot be uploaded when the agreement is in the Complete and Paused phases for Drafters, Reviewers, Approvers, and Sign-only users.
- New agreement versions cannot be uploaded when the agreement is in the Fully Signed and Paused statuses by Administrators.
To learn more about agreement statuses, reference our article on Agreement Phases and Statuses.
8. Attachments
Add relevant agreement attachments (including URLs) by clicking the paperclip icon.
All Finalize users can add new attachments except during the Complete phase. Administrators can always add new attachments.
Once a file is added, it is added as an attachment within the ATTACHMENTS section.
Add additional attachments by clicking the + icon within this section. Attachments are reflected chronologically in the order in which they are attached.
Download, preview, convert to new agreement versions, and delete attachments by hovering over them.
- Attachments cannot be converted to new agreement versions within the Request, Signature, and Complete phases.
- Attachments cannot be deleted within the Signature and Complete phases.
- The attachment upload and deletion timestamps can be found within the Activity tab.
- Password-protected files are unsupported.
LinkSquares Analyze Ingestion
Only attachments that are added to Signature Requests on agreements executed via LinkSquares Sign are ingested into LinkSquares Analyze alongside the main agreement.
This means that if an agreement has three attachments and one attachment is added to the Signature Request, this singular attachment will be the only file ingested into Analyze.
Attachments for agreements executed via DocuSign and Adobe Sign will not be synced. Unsigned attachments will not be synced.
To learn more about adding attachments within Signature Requests, reference our article on LinkSquares Sign: Signature Request Attachments.
Reordering Attachments
Collaborators can reorder attachments to keep relevant files front and center.
Once at least two attachments have been added to the individual agreement view, a toggle will appear within the ATTACHMENTS section.
Click the Reorder Attachments toggle to reorder how attachments are displayed within the individual agreement view.
To customize the attachments order, drag and drop the attachments using the drag handles. Any changes to the order will be saved automatically.
Upload additional attachments by clicking ATTACH FILE.
Within this mode, users can interact with the attachments in various ways:
- Download files
- Preview files
- Convert files to new agreement versions
- Delete files
Users can also view the attachment upload date within this mode.
Exit the reordering attachments workflow by disabling the toggle. Any changes to the order will be reflected and can be seen by all collaborators within that specific agreement only.
Further changes made by collaborators will be reflected within the individual agreement view for all collaborators.
Note: If the attachment order is updated, the new order will be reflected within the attachments modal when executing agreements via DocuSign and LinkSquares Sign.
9. Related Agreements
Related Agreements provide a high-level overview of the status of affiliated agreements to get the full context of a transaction with a counterparty.
With Related Agreements, collaborators create a relationship between many agreements by linking and unlinking agreements within the individual agreement view.
Collaborators can link and unlink agreements. Collaborators can only view and link agreements to which they have access. If collaborators do not have access to a linked agreement, they will be unable to interact with it.
To learn more about Related Agreements, reference our article on Related Agreements.
10. Edit Agreement Name
Click the ellipsis icon to edit the agreement name.
Drafters and Sign-only users must be the author of an agreement to edit the agreement name. Reviewers and Approvers must be the authors of an agreement or agreement owners to edit the agreement name.
Administrators can edit the agreement name or delete the agreement entirely via the ellipsis icon.
Note: The final version name is ingested as the original file name in Analyze – not the Finalize agreement name.
11. Collaborators
Collaborators are the users involved in the lifecycle of an agreement. These users receive email notifications when new agreement activity occurs.
Collaborators can add additional collaborators by clicking the + icon next to the user bubbles in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Click the + icon next to one or various users. Click SAVE once complete.
Collaborators can remove themselves from agreements if they are not task assignees or agreement owners. Administrators can remove collaborators by clicking the X icon next to their names.
All Finalize users can be agreement collaborators.
12. Activity Tab
The Activity tab displays the agreement's activity (e.g., chat logs, status updates, eSignatures, when new users are added as collaborators), and allows you to communicate with Drafters and colleagues.
Tag other Finalize users here using the @ symbol. From here, leverage the drop-down that auto-filters users based on the input.
Tag all agreement collaborators by entering "@all" within the Comment field or by selecting Mention all collaborators from the drop-down.
Users can quickly add Reviewers and additional collaborators to the agreement to assist with redlines and reviews by tagging them.
Tagged users will be sent an email notifying them of this action. If logged in, clicking VIEW COMMENT within the email takes users to the appropriate agreement.
A blue dot appears next to the Activity tab when new activity has occurred since the user last opened the agreement. The indicator will disappear after clicking out of the agreement or interacting with it.
This tab will display the agreement's activity such as the following:
- Who added new versions and when
- When emails are sent or received
- Who approved the agreement and when
- When signatories have signed the agreement or re-assigned signing responsibility
Administrators can download CSV files with the entire activity history for an agreement via the download icon at the bottom of the tab.
All Users with access to agreements can filter by comments or log on each agreement, for quick reference.
13. Info Tab
The Info tab displays the details of an agreement: agreement ID, the template used to create the agreement, agreement detail field questions and answers, and any token questions and values.
To learn more about agreement IDs, reference our article on Agreement IDs.
Agreement Detail Fields
Agreement detail fields are pre-populated prompts/questions completed by Drafters to provide context for legal throughout the redline and approval processes.
If needed, users can make edits to these responses so they can be used as a constant source of truth throughout the agreement's life cycle.
Hover over the agreement detail field and click the notepad icon to edit the field.
Enter the updated information within the field. Click SAVE once complete. Click CANCEL to discard any changes.
The Activity tab will update to reflect that the user updated an agreement detail field. If mapped, the latest values will sync over upon ingestion into Analyze.
All users can modify these responses within the Request, Review, Signature, and Paused phases. Administrators can modify these responses within the Request, Review, Signature, Complete, and Paused phases.
- Once the agreement has been synced to Analyze, any changes made within this tab will not be reflected within Analyze.
- If an agreement in the Done status is reverted by Administrators, the agreement detail fields are modified, and the agreement is placed back in the Done status, the updated values will not be synced to Analyze.
Files uploaded by Drafters during the agreement detail field responses can be found within this tab.
Click the ellipsis icon next to the file to download, preview, or replace it.
Tokens are placeholders within your agreements in which responses will be incorporated directly into the drafted agreement. Some users may compare tokens to mail merge fields.
Note: Tokens may not be present depending on how your Finalize Administrator team configured the Draft template.
If needed, users can make edits to these responses so they can be used as a constant source of truth throughout the agreement’s life cycle.
Hover over the token and click the notepad icon to edit the field.
Enter the updated information within the field. Click SAVE once complete. Click CANCEL to discard any changes.
The Activity tab will update to reflect that the user updated a token. The latest values will sync over upon ingestion into Analyze.
All users can modify these responses within the Review, Signature, and Paused phases. Administrators can modify these responses within the Review, Signature, Complete, and Paused phases.
- Once the agreement has been synced to Analyze, any changes made within this tab will not be reflected within Analyze.
- If an agreement in the Done status is reverted by Administrators, the token values are modified, and the agreement is placed back in the Done status, the updated values will not be synced to Analyze.
- Editing token values does not impact agreement versions. This capability ensures accuracy when mapping changes to token information over to Analyze.
Analyze Ingestion
If Administrators have enabled agreements within the Fully Signed and/or Done statuses to be ingested into Analyze, Analyze users can view and click the link next to the Analyze field.
Click VIEW to navigate to the individual agreement view in Analyze.
To learn more about the Finalize integration with Analyze, reference our article on Analyze and Finalize Integration.
14. Tasks Tab
The Tasks tab displays all Approval and To-do tasks related to an agreement.
Tasks provide insight into the outstanding actions related to an agreement or internal process. Approvals are tracked as tasks.
Tasks can either be created and assigned ad hoc, or configured during the template creation process. Once an agreement has been created from the template, tasks become active. Once tasks are created, become active, or become due, the assignee(s) will be emailed automatically.
Tasks that have been approved or marked as done cannot be deleted. LinkSquares recommends creating new tasks instead.
All tasks related to an agreement must be completed before the agreement can progress to the Ready for Signature status.
If users cannot add new tasks to an agreement, the agreement is within an agreement status in which tasks are locked (e.g., Ready for Signature). Revert the agreement to a previous status (i.e., Internal Review, Counterparty Review) to add new tasks.
Task Nudges
If an agreement is being held up at any time throughout the lifecycle, send the task assignee(s) a reminder by nudging them.
Clicking Send nudge within an Approval or To-do task will prompt an email reminder with a direct agreement link. If logged in, the task will be pulled up for review upon selection.
The nudge feature can only be leveraged once per a given task.
LinkSquares recommends leveraging the chat feature within the Activity tab and creating ad hoc tasks to nudge users once the nudge feature has been exhausted.
To learn more about Finalize tasks, reference our articles on Tasks.
15. Agreement Phase
Agreement statuses roll up to high-level phases, which map to the five stages of a contract: Request, Review, Signature, Complete, and Paused.
Agreement phases only appear within the individual agreement view.
To learn more about agreement phases, reference our article on Agreement Flowchart.
16. Agreement Status
Agreement statuses indicate where an agreement lies within the creation process.
To change the status of the current agreement version, click the drop-down and select a new status. Administrators can revert agreements placed into the Done status via this workflow.
To learn more about agreement statuses and reverting Done agreements, reference our article on Agreement Phases and Statuses.
17. Electronic Signatures
Once an agreement enters the Ready for Signature status, the agreement can be sent out for signature.
Depending on the eSignature integrations within your Finalize instance, the agreement can be executed via the following eSignature solutions:
- LinkSquares Sign
- DocuSign
- Adobe Acrobat Sign
Click the drop-down and select an eSignature tool to kick off the signature workflow.
Note: If an agreement within the Out for Signature or Partially Signed statuses is reverted to the Ready for Signature status, in-flight signatures will be voided.
To learn more about eSignatures, reference our articles on Electronic Signatures and LinkSquares Sign.
Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information on eSignature integrations within Finalize.
18. Delete Latest Version
To delete the latest agreement version, click the ellipsis icon.
Note: If the latest agreement version is deleted, the user must upload a new version via the + NEW VERSION button.
19. Emails
Outbound emails must be initiated within the individual agreement view for subsequent emails and attachments to automatically ingest and assign to an existing workflow. This is due to the metadata embedded within Finalize agreements.
Note: The ability to email an agreement from Finalize may be disabled based on the template settings.
To send agreements via email, click the envelope icon.
From here, complete the email as you would a standard email.
If default BCC recipients have been configured, these recipients will be automatically included within outbound Finalize emails.
Convert the agreement from a Microsoft Word document to a PDF by clicking the ellipsis icon next to the agreement name and selecting Convert to PDF. Alternatively, remove the attachment by selecting Remove.
Click the + icon next to the attached agreement to upload a new file, or select from agreement attachments and previous agreement versions.
To learn more about default BCC fields, reference our article on Default BCC Fields.
To learn more about emails in Finalize, reference our article on Finalize Emails.
Google Docs
To seamlessly collaborate within Google Docs:
- Click the envelope icon. From here, send outbound emails to both internal and external stakeholders. The latest agreement version will be added as an email attachment.
- Send the email. After sending the email, the email will appear in the recipient’s inbox.
- Open the email and select Edit with Google Docs while hovering over the email attachment. The file will open within Google Docs. The recipient can now take the document from Finalize and collaborate within Google Docs as usual.
- When the document is ready to send back to LinkSquares, click File from the Google Docs toolbar.
- Click Email within the File drop-down. Then, click Reply with this file.
- Send the email. After a few minutes, the email and latest agreement version will automatically populate within the All versions section of the individual agreement view.
20. Preview
Click the eye icon to preview the agreement file.
If watermarking is enabled in your account and the agreement status is in Internal Review or Counterparty Review, a Draft watermark will be applied to the document.
21. Download
Click the download button to download the agreement as a Word document or PDF.
To convert PDFs (digital, not scanned) to DOCX files, download the file as a Word document.
If watermarking is enabled in your account and the agreement status is in Internal Review or Counterparty Review, a Draft watermark will be applied to the downloaded PDF.
22. AI-Powered Contract Analysis
LinkSquares Finalize contains two AI-Powered Contract Analysis Tools - AI Summary and Smart Values
- AI Summary: this contract analysis tool uses Generative AI to review the agreement version file and produce a list of key sections and a document summary.
- Smart Values: this contract analysis tool runs LinkSquares Smart Value analysis and extraction tool on the agreement version file and highlights if key Smart Values are contained in the document or not.
AI Summary
This feature must be enabled by a CSM prior to uploading any agreement version for analysis. Agreement versions uploaded before the feature is turned on will not be eligible to receive the AI-powered summary.
Smart Values
Smart Values allows users to run an AI-powered summary of their agreements.
This summary provides key information about agreements by generating an alphabetical overview of all Smart Values present.
Smart Values are the AI-generated values automatically extracted from agreements.
- The file type must be DOCX. PDFs are ineligible.
- Track changes must be disabled within the document.
- The agreement version file has not been deleted.
After clicking Run Summary, a message will notify you that the AI has been successfully processed and an email of the results will be sent when available.
Click View Summary to view the AI results of the Smart Summary.
Smart Summary can be run within the latest agreement version as long as it is an eligible file.
Note: to run the summary the agreement must be a .docx file
23. Version History
As the agreement progresses throughout the pre-signature workflows, all versions will be tracked within the All versions section. The most recent version can be found front and center within the individual agreement view.
The version number associated with the latest and historical agreement versions will be displayed within this section.
The agreement version number logic is as follows.
- Upon agreement creation, the version number begins at one.
- Every time a new version is uploaded, the version number will increase by one.
- Every time a new version is automatically added to an agreement, the version number will increase by one.
- If an agreement version is deleted, the version number will remain for the deleted version and continue increasing by one for any subsequent versions.
- Before an agreement is created from a Request form, the Request form will not count as an agreement version.
24. Document Comparison
Compare any two agreement versions and generate a document that surfaces all present differences using the Track Changes mode.
Click the toggle next to COMPARE DOCUMENTS to enable Document Comparison.
To learn more about Document Comparison, reference our article on Document Comparison.
Note: If Track Changes are detected within an agreement version, an indicator will appear above the latest version.
This indicator means that Track Changes was enabled within the Word document before being uploaded into Finalize as a new agreement version.
Since the indicator is related to activity within Microsoft Word, this indicator would not appear for PDF or XLSX file types.
The indicator will not appear for agreements within the Request Pending, Fully Signed, Done, and Paused statuses. The flag remains if the agreement version file is not replaced, but the agreement status is updated.
25. Email History
Display or hide email history related to the agreement by marking the SHOW EMAILS checkbox.
26. Version Management
Click the ellipsis icon next to an agreement version to preview, download (i.e., DOCX or PDF file types), email, or delete the file.
To convert PDFs (digital, not scanned) to DOCX files, download the file as a Word document.
Note: If the latest agreement version is deleted, the user must upload a new version via the + NEW VERSION button.
Editing Token Values
Once an agreement has been created from the template, users can make edits to token responses so they can be used as a constant source of truth throughout the agreement’s life cycle.
To edit token values, navigate to the individual agreement view and go to the Info tab.
Hover over the token and click the notepad icon to edit the field.
Enter the updated information within the field. Click SAVE once complete. Click CANCEL to discard any changes.
The Activity tab will update to reflect that the user updated a token. The latest values will sync over upon ingestion into Analyze.
All users can modify these responses within the Review, Signature, and Paused phases. Administrators can modify these responses within the Review, Signature, Complete, and Paused phases.
- Once the agreement has been synced to Analyze, any changes made within this tab will not be reflected within Analyze.
- If an agreement in the Done status is reverted by Administrators, the token values are modified, and the agreement is placed back in the Done status, the updated values will not be synced to Analyze.
- Editing token values does not impact agreement versions. This capability ensures accuracy when mapping changes to token information over to Analyze.
For an additional resource overview click HERE