During template configuration within LinkSquares Finalize, terms can be mapped to LinkSquares Analyze to ensure accuracy and visibility across the LinkSquares ecosystem.
A mapped term is metadata contained within a token or an agreement detail field that is synced to a designated landing place within Analyze (i.e., a Smart Value, Custom Smart Value, or user-generated value) such that it will pre-populate the designated landing place.
To map information from Finalize to Analyze, your organization must have the Finalize and Analyze integration enabled.
To learn more about this integration, reference our article on Analyze and Finalize Integration.
For additional resources in template mapping, check out this article here: HERE
The following sections outline the best practices for mapping tokens and agreement detail fields to Analyze terms. This functionality is most useful for collecting information that is not extracted by LinkSquares AI.
Mapping Tokens
Draft templates may include tokens, which are placeholders within agreements where responses will be incorporated directly into the drafted agreement.
During template configuration, Administrators must select the data type of the token response.
The available data types are as follows.
- Text field: A free text area that allows Drafters to input one line of text (limit of 80 characters).
- Text area: A free text area that allows Drafters to input more than one line of text (limit of 10,000 characters).
- Date: This gives Drafters a calendar view to facilitate selecting the correct date.
- Clause: This gives Drafters the option to insert a specific clause saved within the Clause Library.
- Multiple-selection: This gives Drafters the ability to select as many responses as needed when filling out the respective Multiple-selection token questions.
Single-selection: This gives Drafters the ability to select only one response when filling out the respective Single-selection token questions.
NOTE: Configuring at least one Single-selection agreement detail field unlocks an additional step for Dynamic Language.
If a Single-selection agreement detail field is configured and subsequent Dynamic Language logic is applied, removing the Single-selection agreement detail field will remove the Dynamic Language logic. Dynamic Language logic will need to be recreated.
When using the option of 'other', answers will be alphabetized.
The available Analyze terms (i.e., Smart Values, Custom Smart Values, user-generated values) are categorized beneath these data types. During template configuration, Administrators have the option to map the token to one of the available terms or map the token to the umbrella data type (i.e., Text Field (unmapped)).
Note: Tokens cannot be mapped to Analyze agreement Type Terms.
If the token is mapped to a Smart Value or a Custom Smart Value, the information input for that token during the initial drafting process will override the information pulled by LinkSquares AI for that term.
If the token is mapped to a user-generated value, the information input for that token during the initial drafting process will populate under that user-generated value within Analyze.
Note: If the options for a List or Multiple Value List user-generated value are changed, that user-generated value must be unmapped and remapped from any tokens within the Finalize template for the updated options to appear during drafting.
If the token is mapped to the umbrella data type, the information from that token will not be ingested into Analyze.
Tokens are variable fields that may change between agreement versions during redlining, meaning that the information for a token in the fully executed agreement may not match the information input for that token during the initial drafting process.
For this reason, LinkSquares recommends not mapping tokens to Analyze terms in general because the term will not reflect the information from the final agreement version.
Additionally, LinkSquares does not recommend mapping tokens to Smart Values or Custom Smart Values because there is potential for the token information to be out of date when it is ingested to Analyze when the LinkSquares AI would have otherwise picked up the latest information.
A common exception to this recommendation would be if you are mapping a token that represents the counterparty name, and you always want the counterparty name to appear first, then you could map that token to the Party 1 Smart Value.
Contact your Customer Success Manager with questions regarding mapping tokens to Analyze terms.
To learn more about mapping tokens during template creation, reference our article on Creating a New Template.
Mapping Agreement Detail Fields
All template types may include agreement detail fields, which are collection fields for information that your team wants to track throughout the approval process. Unlike tokens, agreement detail fields do not reflect information found directly within the agreement.
During template configuration, Administrators will drag and drop agreement detail fields of the desired answer type into the questionnaire associated with the template.
The answer types are as follows.
- Text: A free text area that allows Drafters to input one line of text (limit of 80 characters).
- Paragraph: A free text area that allows Drafters to input more than one line of text (limit of 1200 characters).
- Date: This gives Drafters a calendar view to facilitate selecting the correct date.
- Numbers: This allows Drafters to input any numeric values (e.g., agreement value, ARR).
- Multiple-selection: This is a picklist where Drafters can select multiple options.
- Single-selection: This is a drop-down menu where Drafters can select one value.
- File: This allows Drafters to upload a singular file.
Note: Password-protected files are unsupported. Alternatively, if there is a file that users should complete and upload to the question, attach it below the Type question here field. The supported file types are as follows.
*DOC file types must be enabled in your account. Note: The maximum file size for the File answer type is 50 MB.
The available Analyze terms (i.e., Smart Values, Custom Smart Values, user-generated values) are categorized beneath these answer types. When agreement detail fields are configured on the questionnaire, Administrators have the option to map the agreement detail field to one of the available terms or leave it unmapped (i.e., None (No Analyze Mapping)).
Note: Agreement detail fields cannot be mapped to Analyze agreement Type Terms.
Agreement detail fields are filled out during the initial drafting process and can be updated via the Info tab on the Finalize individual agreement view at any time.
To learn more about the Info tab, reference our article on Finalize Individual Agreement View.
All agreement detail field answer types except for File can be mapped to Analyze terms (i.e., Smart Values, Custom Smart Values, user-generated values).
Organizations can map agreement detail fields to Analyze user-generated values to collect information that is not picked up by LinkSquares AI. By doing so, this information becomes accessible for reporting within Analyze.
Note: If the options for a List or Multiple Value List user-generated value are changed within Analyze settings, that user-generated value must be unmapped and remapped from any agreement detail fields within the Finalize template for the updated options to appear.
If agreement detail fields are updated via the Info tab throughout redlining, the latest information will be reflected within the Analyze user-generated value.
LinkSquares does not recommend mapping agreement detail fields to Smart Values or Custom Smart Values as it will override the information picked up by LinkSquares AI.
Contact your Customer Success Manager with questions regarding mapping agreement detail fields to Analyze terms.
To learn more about mapping agreement detail fields during template creation, reference our article on Creating a New Template.
For a quick video overview click HERE
Mapping Within Salesforce Finalize
Organizations that leverage the LinkSquares Finalize integration in Salesforce can configure templates within Salesforce Finalize such that tokens and agreement detail fields within their templates are mapped to Salesforce fields.
If tokens and agreement detail fields have been mapped to Salesforce fields, that information will be carried into the Finalize web app. If tokens and agreement detail fields are mapped to Analyze terms during template configuration within the Finalize web app and the integration between Finalize and Analyze is active, that information will then be carried into Analyze. Therefore, it is possible to carry mappings from Salesforce Finalize, through the Finalize web app, and into Analyze.
To learn more about mapping tokens and agreement detail fields to Salesforce fields, reference our article on Salesforce Finalize: Template Configuration.