Finalize allows users to add conditions to their template workflows in order to allow admins to:
- Consolidate the volume of templates they have to manage
- Reduce the number of potential errors introduced when drafting an agreement
- Streamline the end to end agreement creation process.
The three areas of a template workflow where conditionality can be applied are:
Creating Templates With Dynamic Questions
With Dynamic Questions, Administrators create logic within Draft templates (Our Paper), Request forms (Our Paper), and Intake workflows (3rd Party Paper) that dynamically trigger follow-up questions based on a previous question's context.
Dynamic Questions eliminate the need for Drafters to answer irrelevant questions when creating new agreements and enable Administrators to gather important information on the agreement up-front. This ensures contract data is relevant and accurate, and reduces the number of steps to achieve it.
If at least one Single-selection answer type is selected during agreement detail field configuration, Administrators can configure Dynamic Questions.
Dynamic Questions does not currently support:
- Signature-only templates
- Agreement detail field answer types that are not Single-selection (i.e., Text, Paragraph, Date, Numbers, Multiple-selection, File, URL)
- Tokens
- Template cloning
- More than three levels of Single-selection follow-up questions
- Mapping to fields within the LinkSquares Finalize integration in Salesforce
To begin configuring Dynamic Questions, edit an existing template or create a new one entirely and navigate to the section of the template creation flow to configure Agreement Detail Questions.
To configure Dynamic Questions, at least one Single-selection answer type must be selected during the agreement detail fields step of the template creation process. Only single selection answer types are eligible to create Dynamic Follow-up Questions from.
To configure a Single-selection answer type, drag and drop the Single-selection type from the Answer panel on the right-hand side of the page.
- Input the question or request that you want to ask the Drafter, along with the possible responses.
- For example, an Administrator wants to set conditions around the following question: What is the deal size?
- Depending on the deal size the Drafter selects from the Single-selection question, the follow-up questions should dynamically change.
- Within our example, we want to configure a template that updates the follow-up questions based on the Drafter’s selection of a deal that is 100k or more and under 100k.
- As such, two different possible answers – 100k or more and Under 100k – are input during the Single-selection configuration.
- To begin configuring Dynamic Questions, click ADD CONDITION.
- Select Add Question from the drop-down.
- The question card will be updated to an if/then format.
- This format means that, if the Drafter selects a given answer to a question, then the follow-up questions should change in the following way(s). Begin by selecting an answer to the Single-selection question from the IF drop-down.
- Within our example, we are selecting the 100k or more response.
- Next, select an answer type from the THEN drop-down.
- Follow-up questions can be any answer type.
Within our example, we will select the Single Selection answer type. This is the second eligible level of Single-selection follow-up questions.
The question card will populate a new Single-selection prompt.
Within our example, we will enter Which region is this customer in? as our follow-up question and East and West as the possible answers.
Reorder the question via the drag handle icon on the left-hand side of the question cards. This icon appears once more than one follow-up question has been added to a given level. Place the drag handle on top of the drag handle of the desired question location.
Duplicate or delete the questions by clicking the ellipsis icon on the right-hand side of the question cards.
Dynamic Questions can be mapped to terms within LinkSquares Analyze.
Click SAVE AND CONTINUE once complete to save all agreement detail questions.
Creating Templates with Dynamic Language
With Dynamic Language, Administrators create rules within Draft templates (Our Paper) that dynamically insert, update, or remove language based on the agreement’s context.
Dynamic Language reduces the need for Administrators to create and manage multiple templates with slight variations for each use case, minimizing ambiguity for Drafters.
If at least one Single-selection answer type is selected during token mapping or agreement detail field configuration, an additional step for Dynamic Language will be enabled during the Draft template creation process.
Dynamic Language - as with any programmatic .docx file manipulation process - is an inherently complex feature which introduces the potential for unintended changes to the final Word document created by end users.
To mitigate these risk - Dynamic Language officially supports the following use cases only:
- Updating text within a single line or paragraph.
- Updating text within a single list element/row/table cell.
- Updating text which includes a token.
- Removing a single list element.
- Removing multiple list elements.
- Removing multiple paragraphs from a document.
For a more detailed explanation on what Dynamic Language does and does not support - alongside some helpful tips and best practices. Please refer to the Dynamic Language Deep Dive article linked here.
- Updating Global Term lists after Dynamic Language conditions are created from them will remove any conditions which are set.
Template File Replacement
For Dynamic Language conditions to persist when replacing the template file, Administrators must download and make edits to the same template file used when configuring the conditions.
To download template files, select the Templates tab from the navigation bar.
Select the relevant template. Leverage the search bar or filtering options on the right-hand side of the page if needed.
Click the download icon on the left-hand side of the page below the template file name. The template file will be downloaded locally.
Once the template file has been modified and saved, click REPLACE FILE within the token configuration step of the template editing workflow to replace the current template.
Single-Selection Answer Types
To populate the optional configuration step for Dynamic Language, at least one Single-selection answer type must exist as part of the template workflow.
Applying Dynamic Language Conditions
The following example highlights the process users take to apply Dynamic Language conditions to an agreement.
- On the Dynamic Language configuration page, an Administrator wants to set conditions around the following question: What is the entity location?
- Depending on the entity that the Drafter chooses from the Single-selection question, the language of the agreement should change.
Within our example, we want to configure a template that updates the entity name based on the Drafter’s selection of a French or German entity.
- As such, two different possible answers – France and Germany – are input during the Single-selection configuration.
To begin configuring Dynamic Language, start by highlighting text in the agreement wherever you want to apply a change.
- Within our example, we will highlight the entity name: “LinkSquares, Inc.”
- Once the desired text is highlighted, click the + CONDITION button.
- The left-hand panel will be updated to an if/then format.
- This panel means that, if the Drafter selects a given answer to a question, then the agreement should change in the following way(s). Begin by selecting a Single-selection question from the Question drop-down.
- Next, select the appropriate answer from the Answer drop-down. Within our example, we are selecting France.
- Determine from the Remove language drop-down whether this question and answer should trigger the removal or update of the agreement language.
- If the update option is selected, the highlighted text will appear in the text box. From here, edit the text. Upon the Drafter’s selection, this modified language will replace the highlighted agreement language.
- If the remove option is selected, the highlighted text will be removed from the agreement upon Drafter selection. No further configuration is required.
- Within our example, we are selecting the Update language option.
- Next, we will modify the highlighted language from “LinkSquares, Inc.” to “LienCarrés.”
- Click SAVE once complete.
- A new agreement condition for Drafters that select the French entity response has been set.
Applying Multiple Conditions to the Same Question
To apply multiple conditions to the same question, we will expand on our previous example.
Now that a condition has been set for the French entity response, we would like to create a separate condition for the German entity response.
- To do so, click + CONDITION within the left-hand panel of the existing condition.
- The question and answer will be automatically selected since one possible answer type was already used within this condition.
- This means that, as conditions are added to the same question for different answers, the list of available answers from the drop-down will decrease.
- From this panel, we will determine how we want the language to change.
- Within our example, we want to update the language to “LinkQuadrate” when the German response is selected.
- As such, we will select Update language from the drop-down and input “LinkQuadrate” into the text box.
Click SAVE once complete.
Note: Only one question can dynamically change a given string of text within an agreement at a time. This means that, if we were to have configured an additional Single-selection question, we would be unable to add additional conditions to the “LinkSquares, Inc.” text which is now highlighted.
Applying Multiple Conditions to the Same Answer
There may be multiple locations within the agreement that an Administrator wants to be changed based on the Drafter’s response. Dynamic Language can be as complex as Administrators want it to be.
Within the previous example, aside from the entity name changing, we may also want the signature block and certain clauses to change based on the Drafter’s entity selection.
To do this, we would highlight the text wherever we want to apply an additional change in the agreement and configure the desired condition as shown here.
This will result in various conditions for each possible answer selected.
Editing Conditions
Once a condition is saved, the highlighted text from an existing condition will appear in green, signifying that a condition has been set.
To edit an existing condition, click on the highlighted text.
Alternatively, select the configured condition from the left-hand panel.
From here, modify the condition. Alternatively, delete the condition entirely using the trash icon.
Previewing Dynamic Language Conditions
The preview functionality for Dynamic Language has been temporarily disabled for all customers to allow the team time to refactor it into a more stable solution.To preview a copy of what the file will look like, it is suggested to draft and then delete an agreement version from this template.
This section of the guide will be updated once the refactored preview mode has been deployed to production in Q3 2024.
Creating Templates with Dynamic Tasks
Standard approvals are overarching tasks on templates. Each time the template is used to create an agreement, the configured tasks will persist.
Dynamic approvals (i.e., Dynamic Tasks) rely on conditions. They can be centered around internal metrics on which approvals can be based (e.g., total contract value or territory). Depending on the information entered by Drafters during the agreement creation process, Dynamic Tasks may be triggered.
To enable this feature, either add Dynamic Task logic while creating a new template or edit existing templates within the Templates tab of the navigation bar.
- Only Draft templates (Our Paper), Intake workflows (3rd Party Paper), and Request forms can include Dynamic Tasks.
- Dynamic Tasks will not persist when cloning templates.
- Dynamic Tasks are supported within the LinkSquares Finalize integration in Salesforce.
Users have the option to create Dynamic Tasks within the agreement detail fields configuration step of the template creation process.
On the right-hand side of the page under the Answer panel, this icon indicates Dynamic Task logic can be applied to the corresponding answer type.
Only Multiple-selection and Single-selection answer types are eligible for Dynamic Task configuration.
Drag and drop the Multiple-selection or Single-selection answer type to begin configuring Dynamic Tasks.
Dynamic Task Example
Within our example, we will drag and drop the Single-selection answer type. This answer type means that Drafters can only select one possible response when creating new agreements.
To configure Dynamic Tasks based on contract value, enter "What is the contract value?" in the Type question here field.
Then, enter values in the Type option here fields.
For this example, our two values are contracts worth more than $50 million and contracts worth less than $50 million.
Note: The ability to add Dynamic Tasks is not active until there are values within both the question and answer fields.
Click the + icon to configure Dynamic Tasks within each possible response.
From here, configure value-dependent Approval and To-do tasks.
Within our example, you would like several executives to approve agreements that are worth more than $50 million before they are sent out for signature.
Click the + icon next to Approvals to add necessary stakeholders as approvers within Approval tasks.
- Note: Dynamic Approval tasks can be assigned to specific users OR to be dynamically assigned based on who the agreement author is for a particular agreement.
Click the + icon next to To-dos to add to-dos related to the agreement within To-do tasks.
- Note: Dynamic To-do tasks can be assigned to specific users OR to be dynamically assigned based on who the agreement author is for a particular agreement.
- Repeat steps one through three for the value that is worth less than $50 million.
- Click SAVE once complete.
The Dynamic Tasks configuration process is the same for both Multiple-selection and Single-selection answer types.
When Dynamic Task conditions are met and enabled during agreement creation, these Dynamic Tasks will populate in the Tasks tab of the individual agreement view alongside standard tasks. Dynamic Tasks will populate beneath standard tasks in the order in which they were configured.
The applicable Dynamic Tasks will become active within an unordered workflow, which can be approved in any order.
- Dynamic Tasks will not replace existing configurations (e.g., ordered approval workflows).
- If the responses to agreement detail fields with corresponding Dynamic Tasks are changed within the Info tab after agreement creation, new Dynamic Tasks will not be triggered.
Creating Templates with Dynamic Tags
Standard tags are overarching tags on templates. Each time the template is used to create an agreement, the configured tags will persist.
Dynamic tags rely on conditions. They can be centered around internal categorization on which agreements can be based (e.g., Department or Confidentiality). Depending on the information entered by Drafters during the agreement creation process, Dynamic Tags may be triggered.
- Only Draft templates (Our Paper), Intake workflows (3rd Party Paper), and Request forms can include Dynamic Tags.
- Dynamic Tags will not persist when cloning templates.
- Dynamic Tags are supported within the LinkSquares Finalize integration in Salesforce.
Users have the option to create Dynamic Tags within the agreement detail fields configuration step of the template creation process.
On the right-hand side of the page under the Answer panel, this icon indicates Dynamic Tag logic can be applied to the corresponding answer type.
Only Multiple-selection and Single-selection answer types are eligible for Dynamic Tag configuration.
Drag and drop the Multiple-selection or Single-selection answer type to begin configuring Dynamic Tag.
Dynamic Tag Example
Within our example, we will drag and drop the Single-selection answer type. This answer type means that Drafters can only select one possible response when creating new agreements.
To configure Dynamic Tags based on what Deparment is drafting the contract, enter "What is the department requesting this contract?" in the Type question here field.
Then, enter values in the Type option here fields.
For this example, our two values are contracts worth more than $50 million and contracts worth less than $50 million.
Note: The ability to add Dynamic Tags is not active until there are values within both the question and answer fields.
Click the + icon to configure Dynamic Tags within each possible response.
From here, configure value-dependent Tags.
Within our example, you would like to automatically tag agreements with the Marketing tag when users select that option when drafting.
- Search for the "Marketing" tag underneath the correct answer response.
- Once the right tag appears in the search results, click on the tag to select it.
- Click SAVE once complete.
The Dynamic Tags configuration process is the same for both Multiple-selection and Single-selection answer types.