Agreements can be sent out directly from LinkSquares Finalize to a Counterparty or External Stakeholder. This can be very beneficial to your workflow due to the automation that is enabled when Finalize can detect returning emails that link back to the underlying agreement and workflow.
For example, sending an email directly from Finalize enables a counterparty to reply-all with any redlines - which will automatically be linked to the finalize agreement.
Outbound emails must be initiated within the individual agreement view for subsequent emails and attachments to automatically ingest and assign to an existing workflow. This is due to the metadata embedded within Finalize agreements.
The ability to email an agreement from Finalize may be disabled based on the template settings, which are controlled by Finalize administrators.
To send agreements via email, click the envelope icon.
From here, complete the email as you would a standard email.
If Watermarking has been enabled on your account, and the agreement status is in Internal Review or Counterparty Review, the PDF version of the agreement will have a Draft watermark applied.
If default BCC recipients have been configured, these recipients will be automatically included within outbound Finalize emails.
Click the + icon next to the attached agreement to upload a new file, or select from agreement attachments and previous agreement versions.
To learn more about default BCC fields, reference our article on Default BCC Fields.
Click SEND once complete. The sender will receive an email notifying them of any replies.
Recipients can reply directly to the email. From here, outbound and subsequent inbound emails will be saved within the All versions section nested below the relevant agreement version.
Toggle email history on and off by marking the SHOW EMAILS checkbox.