Without repeatable, standardized processes in place, legal teams must often manually create and manage tasks, effectively starting from scratch every time. This complicates and slows down the ability to gather all necessary information from stakeholders to effectively field their requests.
Templates are the task framework that LinkSquares Prioritize users build out to facilitate and expedite the creation process.
Templates are pre-approved, customized workflows that empower self-service task submission.
This streamlines the task submission and completion process, ensures consistency, and enables users to gather important information on the task up-front.
Once a template has been created and published, requesters can quickly generate new tasks using the template.
To learn more about templates, reference the LinkSquares Academy article on Prioritize Feature Videos.
Select the Templates tab from the navigation bar to go to the Templates page. The Templates page is where templates are created and managed.
There are two tabs within the Templates page: the PUBLISHED tab and the DRAFTS tab.
Published Tab
The PUBLISHED tab displays the templates that are published and currently visible to requesters.
Templates are sorted alphabetically after the General request template. The General request template exists in Prioritize by default. It cannot be modified or deleted.
Click the kebab menu to modify or delete a template. Alternatively, select the template name or description to modify the template.
Drafts Tab
The DRAFTS tab displays the templates that are unpublished and in progress. These templates are not visible to requesters.
Templates are sorted alphabetically.
Click the kebab menu to modify or delete a template. Alternatively, select the template name or description to modify the template.
Creating New Templates
To create a new template, click NEW TEMPLATE in the upper right-hand corner of the Templates page. The draft template will automatically be added to the DRAFTS tab.
This view is known as the template customization page.
The template customization page contains five sections. These sections are applicable across all templates.
Selecting the blue button within each section expands it, and reveals the template elements that can be customized.
The Questionnaire section is where the template’s title, description, and questions are determined. The information configured within this section is visible to all requesters.
The Task Details section is where the template’s subtasks, attachments, and default assignees are determined. The information configured within this section will only be visible to Prioritize users once a task has been created from the template.
Template Info
Select EDIT INFO within the Template info section to modify the template title and description. These details are visible to requesters to help them locate the relevant template when creating new tasks.
Enter the template title within the Template title field after deleting "Untitled." For example, Marketing Collateral Review.
Note: The maximum character limit for template titles is 100 characters.
Enter the template description within the Description field. For example, Use this form to submit a Marketing review request.
Note: The maximum character limit for template descriptions is 330 characters.
Templates cannot be published until the Template title and Description fields are completed. These are required fields.
Click Save once complete.
The template title will be updated in the upper left-hand corner of the template customization page once saved.
Select ADD QUESTIONS within the Questions section to create the unique template questions. These questions enable users to gather the task information they need upfront.
Select the Standard questions drop-down to view the standard template questions (i.e., task name, task type, and priority). These questions are included in every template by default and cannot be removed.
The Standard questions section primarily serves as a reference so users do not add redundant questions that are already included in every template. Certain fields are grayed out as they should be populated by requesters.
Users can choose to pre-populate the information within the standard template questions to expedite the creation process. Requesters can, however, update this information during the task creation workflow.
Pre-Populating Questions
Enter the default task name within the Task name field.
Note: The maximum character limit for task names is 255 characters.
Determine the default task type within the Task type field.
Determine the default priority level within the Select Priority field.
If the template does not require any additional questions, click Save once complete. Otherwise, proceed to the following section.
Configuring New Questions
Click + ADD A QUESTION below the Standard questions section to customize the template with additional questions.
Select a question type from the Question Type drop-down. The Text question type is selected by default.
Select from the following question types:
- Text
- Paragraph
- Numbers
- Dropdown
- Multiple Select
Enter your question within the Question field. Next, enter the answer options within the Option fields for the Dropdown and Multiple Select question types.
Add additional customized questions by clicking + ADD A QUESTION. There is no limit to the number of questions that can be configured.
Ensure the Required checkbox is marked for required questions. Unmark the Required checkbox for optional questions.
Leverage the drag handle icon to drag and drop questions to rearrange their order.
Click the trash icon to delete a question entirely.
Click Save once complete.
Question Types
This is a free text area that allows requesters to input one line of text. This field is best used for shorter text such as counterparty or name.
Note: The maximum character limit for requesters is 80 characters.
This is a free text area that allows requesters to input more than one line of text. This is useful for inputting large amounts of data or fields that require multiple lines. This field is best used for longer text areas such as descriptions of services.
Note: There is no maximum character limit for requesters.
This is a free text area that allows requesters to input numeric values like agreement value or recurring ARR.
Note: There is no maximum character limit for requesters.
This is a drop-down menu where requesters can select one value. This is useful for selecting a department representative or other related internal processes where you know what values must be selected and kept uniform.
Multiple Select
This is a drop-down menu where requesters can select multiple values. This is useful when more than one standard data point must be selected.
Select ADD SUBTASKS within the Subtasks section to create a checklist of the work required to complete the task. The checklist will populate within the task once it has been created from the template.
Click + ADD SUBTASK to add a new subtask.
Enter a brief description for the subtask.
Note: The maximum character limit for subtasks is 100 characters.
Repeat this process for every subtask that must be added to the task.
Modify an existing subtask by clicking into and editing the text. Leverage the drag handle icon to drag and drop subtasks to rearrange their order. Click the trash icon to delete an existing subtask.
Note: Uncompleted subtasks do not prevent the task from being moved to subsequent statuses or being completed.
Click Save once complete.
Select ADD DOCUMENTS within the Attachments section to upload supplementary task documents. The attachments will populate within the task once it has been created from the template.
Drag and drop attachments, or browse locally. There is no limit to the number of attachments that can be uploaded.
Delete existing attachments by clicking the trash icon.
The supported file types are as follows.
XLS | PPTX | |
Note: The maximum file size for attachments is 50 MB.
Click Save once complete.
Select ADD ASSIGNEES within the Assignees section to determine the user(s) who should be the default task assignee(s). The default assignee(s) will populate within the task once it has been created from the template.
Select one or multiple assignees within the Assigned Users drop-down.
Click the X icon to remove an assignee.
Click Save once complete to save the template.
Template Visibility
Once you are satisfied with the template, enable the Published toggle in the upper right-hand corner of the template customization page to publish it.
Templates in a published state are visible to requesters. Templates are unpublished by default.
- When the Published toggle is disabled, the template is only visible in the DRAFTS tab of the Templates page.
- When the Published toggle is enabled, the template is live and visible to requesters (both internal and external). The template is only visible in the PUBLISHED tab of the Templates page.
Template visibility and the template itself can be modified at any time.
Unpublishing Templates
Navigate to the Templates tab from the navigation bar.
Go to the PUBLISHED tab.
Locate the template that you wish to unpublish.
Click the kebab menu and select Edit. Alternatively, select the template name or description to modify the template.
Disable the Published toggle in the upper right-hand corner of the template customization page.
The template is now hidden from requesters.
Creating Tasks From Templates
Requesters can create tasks from published templates via two workflows:
Board View
To create a new task in Prioritize, click NEW TASK in the upper right-hand corner of the Board.
Select the Task template drop-down at the top of the New Task modal.
Select the template that best represents the type of request you are trying to make. Templates are sorted alphabetically after the General request template.
The General request template is selected by default. If a relevant template cannot be found, select the General request template for miscellaneous requests.
Complete the task as usual. The task details and customized fields will populate according to the template configuration.
Once complete, click SUBMIT TASK to save and submit the task.
Web Form
To create a new task via the web form, navigate to your organization’s web form URL.
This view is known as the Requests page. This page is similar to the PUBLISHED tab within the Templates page in Prioritize.
Select the template that best represents the type of request you are trying to make. Templates are sorted alphabetically.
If a relevant template cannot be found, select the General request template for miscellaneous requests.
Complete the task as usual. The task details and customized fields will populate according to the template configuration.
Click SUBMIT TASK once complete.