Tasks in LinkSquares Prioritize can be modified at any time. This provides flexibility and customization to your workflow.
Once a task has been created within Prioritize, it can be modified in the following ways.
Select a task within the Board to modify it.
Task Name
Modify the task name by selecting the task name field. Click SAVE once complete.
Task Type
Modify the task type by selecting a new category from the Task Type drop-down.
Select None to uncategorize the task.
Modify the task description by selecting the description field.
The description field is a uniform place to take notes and document updates or pending items throughout the task lifecycle. It can help you understand how you got from point A to point B for future reference.
Click SAVE once complete.
Modify the associated opportunity by selecting the Opportunity/Risk field. Click SAVE once complete.
Upload supplementary task documents within the FILES tab.
Drag and drop attachments, or browse locally. The time zone displayed alongside the attachment is based on the user’s browser time zone.
There is no limit to the number of attachments that can be uploaded.
Delete existing attachments by clicking the trash icon. Download attachments by clicking the download icon.
The supported file types are as follows.
XLS | PPTX | |
Note: The maximum file size for attachments is 50 MB.
Break down the task into a checklist of the work required within the SUBTASKS tab.
Subtasks are available to view and complete by all Prioritize users.
Click + ADD SUBTASK to add a new subtask.
Enter a brief description for the subtask.
Note: The maximum character limit for subtasks is 100 characters.
Click Add once complete.
Repeat this process for every subtask that must be added to the task.
Modify an existing subtask by clicking into and editing the text. Leverage the drag handle icon to drag and drop subtasks to rearrange their order. Click the trash icon to delete an existing subtask.
To complete a subtask, mark the checkbox.
Unmark the checkbox to reopen a completed subtask.
Note: Uncompleted subtasks do not prevent the task from being moved to subsequent statuses or being completed.
Post comments to document incremental task changes and updates within the COMMENTS tab.
Comments enable task collaboration and centralized communication with your team members, along with the ability to quickly identify task progress.
Comments can be viewed and posted by all Prioritize users.
The most recent comment will be displayed at the top of the tab. From there, tasks are displayed in descending order by comment date.
Click the Leave a comment field to submit a new task comment.
Tag other Prioritize users in a comment by using the @ symbol. From here, leverage the drop-down that auto-filters users based on the input.
Tagged users will be sent an email notifying them of this action. If logged in, clicking VIEW COMMENT within the email takes users to the appropriate task. The COMMENTS tab will be open to view the comment directly.
Click SAVE once complete. Alternatively, click CANCEL to discard the comment.
Comments will display the comment itself, the user who left the comment, and the comment timestamp.
Once posted, comments cannot be modified or deleted. LinkSquares recommends posting another comment to correct the record if needed.
- Comments are not updated in real time. The page must be refreshed to view any comments that have been added since the task was pulled up.
- There is no maximum character limit for comments.
View historical task changes within the ACTIVITY tab.
The activity feed facilitates transparency and allows team members to view when task changes occurred, what changes occurred, and who performed the changes.
The activity feed can be viewed by all Prioritize users.
The most recent activity will be displayed at the top of the tab. From there, activities are displayed in descending order by date.
The activity will display the activity itself, the user who performed the activity, and the activity’s timestamp.
This feed reflects all non-comment activity. Commenting activity is exclusive to the COMMENTS tab.
- Activity within tasks before the introduction of the ACTIVITY tab will not be reflected.
- Activity within tasks is logged once the task has been created. However, the initial task creation method will be logged.
- The activity feed cannot be downloaded.
- The names of disabled or deleted users will be maintained for historical reference.
- Prioritize displays activities as they are presented within that point in time. For example, if a task moves from the To Do status to the Blocked status, it is logged accordingly. If the To Do status is later renamed to the Working status, the historical activity feed will continue to display To Do.
The activity feed records the following activity within Prioritize.
Task Creation
The activity feed reflects when and how tasks are created and by whom.
- Prioritize Board: The task was created natively within Prioritize.
- Webform: The task was created via the web form.
- Email intake: The task was created via email.
- Finalize integration: The task was created via the integration with Finalize.
Note: If the sender is recognized within Prioritize for tasks created via email intake, the name will be displayed. If the sender is not recognized, the email address will be displayed.
The activity feed reflects when the task description is updated and by whom.
The activity feed will not reflect how the task description has changed.
The activity feed reflects when subtasks are added, changed, reordered, deleted, checked, and unchecked, and by whom.
Related Tasks
The activity feed reflects when related tasks are added or deleted and by whom.
The activity feed reflects when attachments are added or deleted and by whom.
The activity feed will not reflect when attachments are downloaded.
Task Name
The activity feed reflects when and how task names are changed and by whom.
The activity feed reflects when the statuses of tasks are changed and by whom.
The activity feed reflects when and how task statuses are changed via status deletion. If a status is deleted, the tasks that are housed within that status are moved over to the Intake status (or its equivalent).
The activity feed reflects when and how task deadlines are set and changed and by whom.
The activity feed reflects when task assignees are added or removed and by whom.
Task assignee additions are displayed one user at a time. Task assignee removals are displayed at once if the X icon is selected to remove all assignees within the Assigned field.
The activity feed reflects when and how task priorities are changed and by whom.
The activity feed reflects when task opportunities/risks are set, changed, and removed, and by whom.
Task Type
The activity feed reflects when and how task types are changed and by whom.
Modify the task status by clicking the arrow next to the Status field. Select a new status from the drop-down.
Assign or modify the due date by clicking the calendar icon next to the Deadline field.
Assign the task by clicking the arrow next to the Assigned field. Assign one or multiple assignees, including yourself.
Reassign or unassign the task by clicking the X icon next to the user names within the search bar.
Modify the priority by clicking the arrow next to the Priority field.
Related Tasks
Link related tasks by clicking the + icon next to the Related Tasks section.
Enter the name of an existing task within the field. Select the task from the tasks list.
Click the X icon next to a related task to remove it.
Task IDs
Unique task IDs can be found by clicking the clone icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Updating Statuses
Tasks can be moved between statuses freely and without limitation.
To change the status of a task and move it from one column to the next, select the task and click the arrow next to the Status field. From here, select a new status from the drop-down.
Alternatively, drag and drop the task into the appropriate column within the Board.
Completing Tasks
To complete a task, select the task and click the arrow next to the Status field. From here, select the Done status (or its equivalent) from the drop-down.
Alternatively, drag and drop the task into the Done column (or its equivalent) within the Board.
The task has now been marked as complete within Prioritize. Tasks can be reverted to previous statuses at any time.
Deleting Tasks
To delete a task, select the task and click the kebab menu in the upper right-hand corner.
Click Delete. The task will be deleted from Prioritize.