What’s New
LinkSquares Analyze for Salesforce version 1.3
- Automatically Link Analyze Agreements to Salesforce Accounts and Opportunities or other custom objects.
- Fixes an issue with “Renewal Price Increase” field not syncing to Salesforce if the text value was greater than 80 characters. Please contact LinkSquares Support for more information.
This article highlights the following as it relates to the LinkSquares Analyze integration in Salesforce:
- New Features in Version 1.3
- Activating Custom Metadata Types
- How to Add a Custom Object to the Custom Metadata Type
Automatically Link Analyze Agreements to Salesforce Accounts and Opportunities
- This new version uses new custom Lookup fields on the LinkSquares Agreement Object to automatically link agreements to Salesforce Accounts or Opportunities.
New field API names: LinkSquares__Account__c and LinkSquares__Opportunity__c
- This new feature modifies the Account and Opportunity Lightning record page and adds a Single Related List for the LinkSquares Agreement.
NOTE: Other objects can be configured to use the Apex trigger (see below).
- Includes an Apex trigger to mimic flow trigger logic.
- This out-of-the-box implementation can be configured with minimal setup required.
- It is recommended that existing flow triggers and related setups be deactivated or removed.
Note: You may have to edit each Salesforce object where the Related List is installed and remove it manually.
Important Considerations:
- Removing a Related List from the page layout does not delete any records or data associated with that related list; it simply removes it from the layout so it’s no longer visible to users.
- Ensure that the users who need access to that related list still have the necessary permissions
Activating Custom Metadata Types
1. Go to Setup
2. Search “Custom Metadata Types”
3. Select “Manage Records”
4. Edit each Parent Lookup Mapping Name
5. Select “Active” to activate
How to Add a Custom Object to the Custom Metadata Type
The following example uses the Contract object to add a Custom Metadata Type
1. Create a lookup field Contract__c on LinkSquares__Agreement__c object
2. Add a new entry for Parent Lookup Mapping
3. Add a Single Related List on the Contract record layout page
4. Existing Analyze agreements should now be available with their associated Contract.