The Finalize Settings pages have many configuration options, allowing you to personalize your Finalize experience and set permissions and rules applicable to your company. Finalize Settings pages are organized into the following categories:
Global: this settings page allows you to customize the following settings:
- View your internal forwarding address
- Update allowed senders lists
- Add Auto Bcc Email recipients
- Designate unassigned email administrators
- Set which Complete agreement status (Done or Fully Signed) move to Analyze.
Feature Permissions: this settings page allows you to customize specific role-based permissions for certain Finalize features:
- Editing tags on agreements
- Moving agreements to Done status
- Previewing a template when drafting an agreement
- Notification: this page allows you to customize your email settings for which emails to receive from Finalize
- Signature Requests: This page allows you to customize which users in your organization are able to send agreements to signature via Finalize and Sign.
Integrations: This page allows you to setup and manage the following integrations:
- Adobe Acrobat Sign
- DocuSign
- LS Sign in Salesforce
- Slack
Global Settings Page
Internal Forwarding Address
- This section indicates the email address to be used to forward emails directly into Finalize
Allowed Senders
- This section allows you to customize which email addresses or email domains will be whitelisted by Finalize. Any emails/domains not on this whitelist who are not LinkSquares users will not be able to send emails into Finalize.
Auto BCC
- This section is covered in detail here: Settings: Configuring Default BCC Fields
Unassigned Emails
- This section allows you to indicate who on your team can triage emails that are received by Finalize which are not automatically associated with an existing agreement.
Completed Agreements
- This section allows you to set which agreement statuses will automatically flow into Analyze.
- You can select for agreements in Fully Signed or Done status.
- This section allows you to enforce watermarking on agreements that are in Internal Review or Counterparty statuses
- This will only apply to PDF file types.
- To more strictly enforce watermarking you can also disable drafter access in Feature Permissions
Feature Permissions Settings Page
Drafter Access
- When toggled ON, this settings allows drafters to download/access .DOCX versions of files in Finalize.
- When toggled OFF, drafters will only be able to access the PDF version of files in Finalize.
Finalize Tag Edit Access
- This setting allows you to determine which user roles will have the capability to edit tags on agreements in Finalize.
Move to Done Access
- This setting allows you to determine which user roles will have the capability to move agreements to the Done status in Finalize
Template Preview Access
- This setting allows you to determine which user roles will have the capability to preview the template file of an agreement prior to starting a workflow.
Notification Settings Page
- This page allows you to customize your email settings
- This page is covered in detail here: Settings: Finalize Email Notifications
Signature Requests Settings Page
Finalize Admins
- This list shows all Finalize Admins enabled for your account.
- Finalize Admins always have permissions to send agreements for signature via Finalize.
Finalize Default Signature Request Permissions
- This section allows you to configure who else (aside from Finalize Admins) can send agreements for signature via Finalize
- Everyone - all other users can send agreements for signature.
- Finalize Admins only - no other users can send agreements for signature
- Specific users - only users specifically whitelisted can send agreements for signature
Sign Admins
- This list shows all Sign Admins enabled for your account.
- Sign Admins always have permissions to send agreements for signature via the My Sign Hub page.
My Sign Hub Signature Request Permissions
- This section allows you to configure who else (aside from Sign Admins) can send agreements for signature via My Sign Hub
- Everyone - all other users can send agreements for signature.
- Sign Admins only - no other users can send agreements for signature
- Specific users - only users specifically whitelisted can send agreements for signature
Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration
- When toggled ON, users in Salesforce can send agreements for signature via Adobe Acrobat Sign
- This is detailed here: Adobe Sign Integration in Finalize
DocuSign Integration
- When toggled ON, users in Salesforce can send agreements for signature via DocuSign
- This is detailed here: DocuSign Integration in Finalize
LS Sign Integration
- When toggled ON, users in Salesforce can send agreements for signature via LS Sign
Slack Integration
- This begins the setup process to enable the Slack Integration for your Finalize account.