Managers and Administrators can manually upload new files to LinkSquares Analyze.
Standard users (including custom roles) may be able to upload agreements based on their organization's settings. This is disabled by default. Contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more.
Uploading agreements into the Analyze platform provides the user control of how the agreements are uploaded into the platform. Whether it be one agreement or up to 1000 in one task.
For additional information, feel free to check out our Linksquares Academy content on uploading agreements here.
Uploading Single Agreements
To upload a single new file, click ADD AGREEMENT in the upper right-hand corner of the main Agreements page.
Select Single Agreement from the drop-down.
Select the type of document you are uploading (i.e., DOCX or PDF).
Click NEXT STEP once complete.
Drag and drop the file to upload, or select the file locally.
Enter the details of the agreement:
- Agreement name
- Agreement type
- Tags
If Smart Admin is enabled, determine whether the agreement should leverage Smart Renaming or enter a custom name by clicking the radio buttons.
Mark the checkbox to be notified when Smart Values are finished processing.
Note: Only the user uploading the agreement will be notified when the agreement is fully processed.
Click ADD NEW AGREEMENT once complete.
Bulk Uploading Agreements
The bulk upload feature within LinkSquares Analyze allows Managers and Administrators to upload up to 1000 agreements at once. If there are more than 1000 agreements to upload, upload in batches of 1000 files, or contact your Customer Success Manager for alternative methods.
To upload agreements in bulk, click ADD AGREEMENT in the upper right-hand corner of the main Agreements page.
Select Bulk Upload from the drop-down.
From here, you will have the option of uploading your files via one of three paths.
Upload Without Setting Types and Tags
This path allows you to upload your agreements without setting the agreement types and tags.
This is helpful for users that have Smart Types and Smart Tags enabled.
Set Types and Tags Within the Application
This path allows you to upload your files in bulk and then set the type and tags for each agreement.
This is useful for agreements that require custom agreement types or additional tags.
Set Types and Tags Using a CSV File
This is similar to the previous path as it allows you to edit the types and tags for each agreement.
Select this path if it is easier for your workflow to add the types and tags to a CSV file instead of within the platform.
Upload Without Setting Types and Tags
After selecting this option, upload your files.
Acceptable file types are DOCX, PDF, and zipped folders containing DOCX or PDF files.
Drag and drop or select the files you want to upload.
Click UPLOAD once complete.
Once the agreements have been successfully uploaded, view them from the main Agreements page.
Set Types and Tags Within the Application
After selecting this option, upload your files.
Acceptable file types are DOCX, PDF, and zipped folders containing DOCX or PDF files.
Once the agreements have been selected and uploaded, designate the agreement type and add tags to each agreement.
Click COMPLETE once finished.
Note: Only existing agreement types within Analyze can be used to label agreements when bulk uploading.
To learn more about adding new agreement types, reference our article on Creating Types and Updating Agreements with Types.
Once the agreements have been successfully uploaded, view them from the main Agreements page.
Set Types and Tags Using a CSV File
After selecting this option, upload your files.
This option only supports zipped folders. Compress all your files into a zipped folder containing DOCX or PDF files.
Drag and drop the zipped folder or click the Files box to select the folder you want to upload.
Next, upload a mapping file in the Mapping File box.
The mapping file is where you will input the new agreement name (if you would like it to be different from the file name, that is), agreement type, and any tags you want to be associated with the agreements.
To download the mapping file, click on the blue text that says Download.
Completing Mapping File
Column A of the mapping file is the file name.
Ensure that every file uploaded in this batch matches exactly with the file name in Column A. Please include the file type extension as well (e.g., PDF, DOCX, etc.).
Column B is the agreement name. This is how the agreement will be displayed in Analyze. If desired, you can rename the agreement to be different from the original file name.
Column C is the agreement type. This is where you input the type of agreement. You can use this column to type-classify each individual agreement. It is important to note that only file types added to your account can be used for bulk upload.
To learn more about adding new agreement types, reference our article on Creating Types and Updating Agreements with Types.
Columns D, E, and F are the columns to input tags. Use these columns to add the tags you need to be associated with each agreement.
Once the mapping file is complete, upload the CSV file to the Mapping File box.
Click NEXT STEP once complete.
You will be taken to a new page to review and verify the information within the CSV.
After review, click CONFIRM.
Once the agreements have been successfully uploaded, view them from the main Agreements page.
Note: Scanned files can take up to 72 hours to appear in your account.
While the file is being processed, edit the related agreement terms, tags, notes, and tasks.
Common Error message: Only DOCX and PDF allowed
Users may receive the following error when trying to upload an agreement to their LinkSquares Analyze account:
"only .docx and .pdf are allowed"
If the file you are trying to upload is a PDF or a DOCX file type, you may want to revisit the naming convention used on the file.
This error is most commonly due to uploading an agreement that has an incompatible file type added to its name.
LinkSquares only accepts PDF and DOCX file types, meaning if the file extension or file type is included in the file name, it is recommended to be lowercase.
Try changing the ".PDF" or ".DOCX" within the file name to lowercase. This will allow you to upload the file without receiving an error message.